Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Visit Scenic Chelm!

Well, summer’s here and pretty soon it’ll be time to think about heading out on vacation.  But why go to all those typical vacation spots like the beach or the amusement park?  Instead, why not visit scenic Chelm?  That’s right, Chelm!  This little village is located in one of the loveliest parts of rustic Poland.  Steeped in rich, Jewish tradition, Chelm is a one of a kind vacation spot.  Legend has it that two angels were once walking in the area of Chelm.  One carried a jar full of wise souls and one carried a jar full of foolish souls.  One day, unused to the rocky terrain of the mountains around Chelm, one of the angels tripped and spilled his jar right in Chelm.  Ever since then, the people of Chelm have possessed a very unique character.

Here in Chelm, enjoy traditional, rustic cuisine.  Enjoy the local music scene.  See unique sights like the world’s first and only indoor sundial.  Visit the salt fields where only the finest salt is grown.  See the hill of Chelm, which the residents of Chelm pushed from its previous location (though, some reports vary).  Interested in spirituality and religion?  Visit our synagogues and enjoy the wisdom of our local rabbi.  Did you know that the temple at Chelm has the most unique shoyfer (ram’s horn) around?  Some uninformed visitors even think it looks like an old boot.

However, the greatest asset of Chelm is its people.  Come and be astounded by their traditions and wisdom.  The people of Chelm are so wise, gentle and appreciative of beauty that they refused to let a sick man ruin the pristine snow with his footprints as he walked to the hospital.  Instead, four men put the sick man on a board and carried him there instead.  The officials in Chelm are so wise and invested in justice that when a live fish slapped a man with his tail, they knew they had no choice but to sentence it to death by drowning.  But don’t just listen to me!  Listen to these satisfied visitors:

I went to Chelm on vacation and had a great time enjoying the local food and attractions.  However, I had a small crisis when I lost my room key in the hallways of the inn.  What did the good folks of Chelm do?  They helped me by looking around outside under the streetlights where the lighting was better.  What a great bunch!  I tell you, the Chelmites are my kind of people.

                                                                                    Gotham, Nottinghamshire, England

I went to Chelm for a long weekend and brought my cat Fraulein Fluffypaws with me.  The attractions were superb, the food was delicious and the people were so nice!  One day, Fraulein Fluffypaws got away from me and climbed up onto the roof and I couldn’t get her down.  The fire chief of Chelm came up with a fantastic plan: set the building on fire and my cat would eventually leap down to safety.  Fraulein Fluffypaws did jump over to some neighboring houses along the way, but we only had to burn down three houses before Fraulein Fluffypaws came back down to me.  I’m very thankful to the people of Chelm for their hospitality and for getting my little kitty back to me.

                                                                                      Schilda, Germany

So this year when everyone else is out at the beach, camping or enjoying overpriced amusement parks, come enjoy the hospitality of Chelm and its many attractions.  You’d have to be a fool not to!

This message paid for by the Chelm Tourism Board.

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