Sometimes you hear a really creepy fairy tale and you’re
glad that’s all it is. Then sometimes
you find out that it’s actually a really creepy legend and it makes everything
seem a lot creepier.
Such is the case with the famous story of the “Pied Piper of
Ah, I bet you thought the story of the Pied Piper was just a
fairy tale as well. How thoroughly we’ve
all been fooled.
Now, the story of the Pied Piper has come down to us from a
couple of different sources. The first
non-cinematic version I ever encountered was the poem by Robert Browning. Apparently, though, there’s also a version published by the Brothers Grimm. Don’t
look for it in your copy of The Complete
Grimms’ Fairy Tales, though.
Apparently, it was published in another volume entitled German Legends, which is a
bit hard to get a hold of here in the United States (at least, for less than
$80). There’s even a version that
appears in the “Legends” section of von Schonwerth’s The Turnip Princess.
A basic summary of the story states that a man dressed in
multi-colored clothing appeared in the town of Hamelin, offering to deal with a
rat infestation. The town agrees to his
terms. So, this pied man takes out a
musical pipe and starts playing. This
causes all the town’s rats to follow him.
He leads them all to the Weser River and drowns them. The Piper asks for his pay, but the town
refuses. The piper returns later, this
time dressed as a hunter and wearing a red cap.
He starts to play a different tune and all the children of Hamelin now
start to follow him. He leads them into
the mountains and up to a cliff side
where a great door opens up. The
Piper and 130 children disappear inside never to be seen again. Depending on which version of the story you
hear, anywhere from 1 to 3 children actually get left behind by the Piper. They’re generally agreed to be a deaf child
who could not hear the music, a blind child who could not see where everyone
else was going and a lame child who could not keep up with the rest.
It’s a suitably eerie tale, but it’s really only the latest
version. The earliest account of this
story takes us back to around 1300 and a stained glass window erected in the
church in Hameln (modern Hamelin). The
window depicts a motley-clad fellow and a group of children. The inscription reads: “On the day of John
and Paul 130 children in Hamelin went to Calvary and were brought through all
kinds of danger to the Koppen mountain and lost.”
For a more official sort of record, there is one of the
town’s oldest records dated at 1384 that states “It is 100 years since our
children left.”
About a hundred years after the stained glass window in
what’s known as the Luneburg Manuscript, a monk named Heinrich of Herferd
states that a man of about 30 years old came to town playing a flute and led
the children out.
And yet, still no mention of rats. However, it is established that something
happened that caused the town of Hameln to lose 130 people. What was it?
The Black Death
theory- One theory is that because of the presence of rats in the legend
that evolved, that the city of Hameln lost 130 of its children to the famous
medieval plague. In this case, the Pied
Piper on the stained glass window was likely a personification of death. This seems like a fair enough theory except
for a couple of problems. For one, the
rats didn’t become part of the legend until 1559. Also, the Black Death was most severe in
Europe from 1348-1350, more than 50 years after the children supposedly
The Kidnapper Theory-
A theory not mentioned by most sources, but espoused by historian William
Manchester in his book A World Lit Only
by Fire, suggests that the Pied Piper was actually a maniacal pedophile
that abducted children during their sleep.
I have my doubts about this. It
seems doubtful that your average criminal could be behind this unless the
numbers had been inflated. 130 children
would be an awful lot to abduct.
The Human-Trafficking
Theory- By the 13th Century, this area of Germany was
overpopulated. Only the oldest son would
inherit land and money from his parents.
It was not uncommon during this time to sell children who were either
orphaned or illegitimate to recruiters from the Baltic regions.
The Children’s
Crusade Theory- One of the most
commonly held theories is that the children were the members of a failed Children’s
Crusade. The story of the first
Children’s Crusade occurred around 1212.
The story basically says that a 12-year old boy has a vision in which
Jesus Christ tells him to go to the Holy Land and convert Muslims to Christianity. The stories rarely end with them succeeding
in their plans, either just never making it to the Holy Land or being sold into
slavery. Still, the imaginations of
writers at the time were fired by this idea.
The idea of hundreds of children going off on a Crusade makes for a great
story. This is also supported by the
idea that the Pied Piper himself might have been one of the wandering poor that
often accompanied these Crusades. In
this case, the Piper’s pied clothing is not motley but ragged clothes that
would have been patched with cloth of many colors. It’s even suggested that the children
travelled to the East and settled in what would eventually become
Transylvania. This brings us to the final
theory . . .
The Mass Exodus
Theory- This theory is the one espoused by the Hameln Tourism Board. Basically, it’s that 130 people who were
probably recruited by landowners from other parts left Hamelin to settle in
other places. In this case, we have to
take the phrase “Children of Hamelin” as more of a metaphor. In this case, it doesn’t mean actual children
but “People of Hamelin”. The people who
left Hamelin likely settled in places like Pomerania, East Prussia, Moravia and
the Teutonic Land.
We may never know what really happened to the 130 people who disappeared from the Town of Hameln. However, the story that has grown around this occurrence has spread around the world and been translated into numerous languages. There is no doubting that the Pied Piper of Hamelin is The Stuff of Legends!
Ancient Origins. “The Disturbing True Story of the Pied Piper of Hamelin.”
How Stuff Works. “Was There Really a Pied Piper of Hamelin?”
Statd Hameln. “The Pied Piper of Hamelin”
Top Secret Writers. “The Truth Behind the Legend of the Pied Piper.”
The Medievalists. “The Pied Piper of Hamelin: A Medieval Mass Abduction?”